First Baptist Church of Niles


Wednesday Bible Study

Studying those little read books of the Bible

Old Testament

The least read books within the Old Testament are the 12 minor prophets.

Hosea Story of Hosea and his unfaithful wife, Gomer. Represents God's love and faithfulness and Israel's spiritual adultery. Israel will be judged and restored.

Joel Judgement is sent as a result of sin.  Repentance will restore the land.  The Day of the Lord is impending.

Amos A study of what happens if we become complacement.

Obadiah A study of judgement that awaits those who have harmed His people.

Jonah A study of God's compassion to all people

Micah Judgement is Coming

Nahum The Judgement of Nineveh

Habakkuk God in in control.

Zephaniah Don't be complacent

Haggai Make God's Work a Priority

Zechariah Revalation of God's Purpose through the Messiah

Malachi God confronts us with our sin

New Testament

Philemon Runaway slave or brother in Christ

2 John Beware of False Teachers

3 John Hospitality is important to Christians

Jude Keep your faith strong

The White Pages