First Baptist Church of Niles


The “Country Church” stands as a place of stability and spiritual guidance; a place to feel at home and find friendly people both to share personal concerns and pray for each other; a place of family worship, fellowship and inspiration; a place to find the clear presentation of the Gospel, with both young and old lifting their hearts in praise; a place to discover new life in Christ and find God’s answers to life’s problems with guidance through the Bible. This is our heritage at the First Baptist Church of Niles.

Our Vision:

Our Purpose:

To bring people into the light of salvation through evangelism

The church exists to communicate God’s Word. Our mission is to tell the world of Christ.

The church is an army, to rescue those taken captive by Satan; to advance God’s Kingdom in the world.

To celebrate the light of God’s presence through worship

The church exists to worship God. We should enjoy expressing our love to God.

The church is a holy temple for the spiritual worship; a bride to love and obey Christ.

To fellowship in the light with God’s family through membership

The church exists to fellowship in Christ. Baptism is not just a symbol of salvation, but also of fellowship; a way to say “I belong” to the body of Christ in the world.

The church is a family, for fellowship.

To reproduce the light of God’s likeness through discipleship

The church exists to edify, to educate God’s people. Discipleship is the process of helping people become more like Christ in thought, feeling and action.

The church is a school to educate, a flock to be tended.

To communicate the light of God’s love through ministry

The church exists to minister. Ministry is demonstrating God’s love to people.

The church is a body for working together.

That in everything Christ may be glorified!!